Civale Associati is a Firm providing legal services on banking, financial market, commercial and corporate law, corporate governance, insolvency law, anti-money laundering law and market abuse, employment law, intellectual property rights and copyright law. Through a tough, highly qualified and specialized structure, Civale Associati offers to its clients personalized, reliable, accurate and up to date with the continuous changes in legislation at national and EU level legal assistance.
The Firm offers legal services to banks, financial intermediaries, Payment Services Providers, e-money Issuers, trust companies, listed companies, industrial groups and corporate clients. The Firm gained large experience and provides assistance to its clients for claims and disputes taken to Court and in national and international arbitration proceedings.
As independent Firm, Civale Associati serves national and international clients using strengthened relationships with leading international law firms to grant its domestic and foreign clients an highly specialized legal assistance.
Civale Associati is an association of professionals of recognized and strengthened expertise, with a significant background of experience in some of the foremost Italian and international law firms, sharing the founding principles of Civale Associati Firm: reliability, qualification and responsibility.
We believe that “reliability” is a synonym for accuracy, punctuality, attention to the client’s needs, confidentiality, willingness to build long-lasting relationships with our clients, direct and continuous dialogue, ability to provide each client with tailored assistance and ability to safeguard the confidence of the client.
We believe that “qualification” is a synonym for passion, on-going research, deep knowledge of the reference market and issues, constant attention to the development of domestic and EU regulation, the ability to identify innovative solutions, open dialogue with business operators, professional associations and supervisory authorities.
We believe that “responsibility” is a synonym for fairness and transparency in the relationship between our Firm and our clients, ability to meet the demands and the issues of the client, compliance with professional ethics and values of independence and autonomy in relations with actors and institutions with which our Firm interacts.
Civale Associati provides assistance in legal and regulatory framework to domestic and foreign banks, financial intermediaries, Payment Services Providers, e-money Issuers in the fields of services and banking contracts, payment services and electronic money, business financing, acquisition finance, restructuring and loan contracts’ renegotiations, syndicated loans, consumer credit, mortgage credit, leasing, financial guarantees, transparency and anti-money laundering law, internal controls, corporate functions’ outsourcing, door to door promotion and placing of banking and finance products, networks of credit brokers and finance agents.
Civale Associati provides assistance in legal and regulatory framework to banks, asset management and investment firms (SIMs), asset management companies (SGR), EU and non-EU investment firms in the fields of investment services and accessory services, structuring and distribution of illiquid or complex financial products, asset management, organisation and management of networks of tide agents, derivative products, private banking, promotion and placing of financial and insurance products, applications for authorizations with the various competent authorities. The Firm also provides assistance to listed issuers, banks and intermediaries in the fields of financial products’ public offering, financial instruments’ issuing, structured finance and bank financing transactions.
Civale Associati provides legal assistance and advice on corporate governance of banks, financial intermediaries and listed issuers, with specific reference to the structuring of the management and control system, identification and definition of the tasks and powers of the corporate bodies, informations’ flows, internal governance, composition and appointment of corporate bodies, requirements for corporate officers, evaluation of the corporate bodies, liability of corporate officers. The Firm also has developed specific experience on the discipline of risk assets and conflicts of interest in banks, transactions with related parties, interlocking directorates, regulation of “banche popolari”, banking groups and financial groups.
Civale Associati offers qualified legal assistance in the field of corporate and commercial law. In this area of law, the Firm advises its corporate clients on the definition of statutory frameworks and shareholders’ agreements, corporate deals, mergers, acquisitions, transfer of assets or shares, joint ventures, investment agreements, corporate restructurings, liability claims, drafting of commercial agreements.
Civale Associati provides legal assistance to its clients, both in transactional and litigation matters, in the fields of insolvency and pre-insolvency proceedings, negotiation of out-of-court settlements, management of bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy settlements, revocation actions, claims/revendications and restitutions, opposition to the liabilities assessment – “opposizione allo stato passivo” -, pending contracts’ regime in pre-bankruptcy settlements.
Civale Associati gained extensive experience and expertise with reference to domestic and EU
anti-money laundering and and counter-terrorism financing prevention regime. The Firm assists banks, financial intermediaries, trust companies, Payment Services Providers, and e-money Issuers in order to accomplish legal provisions with reference to customer due diligence, recording and archiving of data and reporting of suspicious transactions. The Firm also assists its clients in the framework of the sanction proceedings before the supervisory authorities and in the judicial phase.
Civale Associati provides legal advice in market abuse field, assisting its clients in accomplishing domestic and EU legal provisions. Moreover, the Firm assists its clients in the framework of the sanction proceedings before the supervisory authorities and in the judicial phase.
Civale Associati provides legal advice and assistance in the field of intellectual property . The Firm is specialized in the protection of intellectual property and copyright, in the drafting of publishing contracts and contracts between producers, artists and performers, licensing and distribution of audio and video recordings agreements, as well as in managing relations with SIAE and “colletting” societies. The Firm has developed a specific expertise in the distribution of audio and video content via digital platforms and computer systems, assisting leading producers of phonograms and music aggregators.
Civale Associati provides legal advice and assistance in the field of employment law. The Firm provides legal advice and assistance before the Courts in the fields of networks of credit brokers and finance agents, employment relationships, relationships between directors and companies, disciplinary sanctions, individual and collective lay-offs, remuneration and inducement policies.
Civale Associati provides assistance to its clients for claims and disputes taken to Court and in arbitration proceedings in the fields of:
The Firm ensures legal assistance in claims and disputes all over the country. Furthermore, Civale Associati provides assistance to its clients in sanction proceedings before the supervisory authorities and in the judicial phase.